Saturday, July 28, 2018





                 CHAPTER ONE
1.1 Introduction
In this chapter we discusses the background of the problem, purpose of the study, statement of the problem, objectives of the study, research questions and limitations of the study. We discusses many things in our research concerning with factors influencing teen pregnancy to secondary student in Tanzania , A case of Mbeya town.
1.2 Background of the study.
Teen pregnancy; Is defined as a teen girl usually within age of 13 to 19, becoming pregnant.The term in every day speech usually prefers to girls who have not reached legal adulthood, which varris across the world we become pregnant (UNICEF 2018). Teen pregnancy also known as adolescent pregnancy; Is a pregnancy in female under the age of 20. A Female can become from sexual intercause after she had begun to ovulate, wich can ba before he first menstruations period (Menarche) but usually occurs after the onset of her periods. In well-nourished female Marche usually take place around the age of 12 or 13 ( wikipedia 2018) According to United nation population fund (UNFPA). Pregnancy among girls less than 18years of age have irrepable consequence, It violate the girls life , with life threatening. Consequence in terms of sexual reproduction health. (UNFPA 2018).
 Teenage pregnancy is not a problem of Tanzania only but also it as world wide problem. According to 2018 In reporting teenage pregnancy rates, the number of pregnancies per 1,000 females aged 15 to 19 when the pregnancy ends is generally used.Worldwide, teenage pregnancy rates range from 143 per 1000 in some sub-Saharan African countries to 2.9 per 1000 in South Korea. In the United States, 82% of pregnancies in those between 15 and 19 are unplanned. Among OECD developed countries , the United States , United Kingdom and New Zealand have the highest level of teenage pregnancy, while Japan and South Korea have the lowest in 2001.
In Sub-Saharan Africa, The highest rate of teenage pregnancy in the world is in sub-Saharan Africa , where women tend to marry at an early age. In Niger, for example, 87% of women surveyed were married and 53% had given birth to a child before the age of 18 years old ( WIKIPEDIA 2018).
In Tanzania,  Girls have high aspirations for their education, despite concerns with poverty, gender-based violence, the consequences of early pregnancy and marriage, and lack of school facilities. Every year more than 8000 girls drop out from the school due to pregnancy. Though many countries agreed to increase opportunities for all children to have access to education in Millennium Development Goals, girls Student’s pregnancy is among the rapidly growing social challenges that hinder the realization girl child to education (MoEVT 2008 and BEST 2010). Tanzania is one of the nations which highlyexperienced adolescents’ pregnancy rate in the world affecting their full potential in life. More vulnerable to meet challengesof poverty, Community who are against children pregnancy are the ones who involved in love affairs with students and impregnated them, recent research done by TAMWA groups that leading to involved in love affair with students and impregnated them are government staffs, busconductors’, businessman, tax drivers, and well off people (TAMWA 2010). Recently research done in Iringa municipal shows those 30 students of nine secondary schools and 4 students of three primary schools are impregnated during 2012. Thirteen million children are born to women under the age of 20 years worldwide and more than 90% in developing countries (Wikimedia Foundation, 2010)The trend of teenage pregnancy in some of Tanzania regions in the year of 2017  is like the following:-
Katavi 45%, Tabora  43%, Dodoma 39%, Morogoro 39%,Mara 34%, Shinyanga  34%, Mbeya 33%, Ruvuma 32%,Kigoma 32%,Simiyu 30%, Pwani 30%, Singida 30%, Geita 30%,Rukwa 29%, Mwanza, Lindi and Mtwara 28%, Manyara 26%,Tanga 21%,Iringa 20%. This trend is due to development of science and technology this is due to fact that before the expand of technology in Tanzania, The trend of teenage pregnancy were in lowest trend but Nowadays is expanding day after day since most of teenage girls interact with many things in their environments which give then desire to test their organ under age of 20, Examples of looking phonographs, influence from peers groups, and poverty or hardship of life. According to this trend Mbeya is one among of most affected area in Tanzania and research who investigate on seeking the truth of it thus why we decided to research on Mbeya town. In Mbeya this problem affect more secondary students and few primary pupils also rural areas are mostly affect than areas of town. But up to June 2018 report the trend of teenage pregnancy in Mbeya was reduced to 9% Because of some measures which was taken in year of 2017/2018 for eradicating the problem. Example is lows which was formulated by Government of Tanzania for the people who can cause pregnancy to teenage or students who are under 20 years must to be jailed for 30 years that helped to trend down the teen pregnancies in Mbeya, the effects of teenage pregnancies in Mbeya town are like increase of street children, increase number of dependence ratio and poverty in general.         
   1.3 Statement of the problem.
In accordance with variety of government research and individuals research which has been one or others way to solve the problem of Teenage pregnancy in Tanzania and Mbeya town in general still there is no research on Mbeya town related to teen pregnancies, This is a reason which forced a researcher to investigate on Mbeya town. In Mbeya town still there is challenges that faced girls under age of 20 which makes them to engage in sexual behaviors some of them are:- Drugs and Alcohol; during adolescent period most of teenage girls interact with peer friends who have such kind of behavior and may experiment with drugs frequently with their friends at social gathering and others parts of their which they can be free to drink and finally this may led to have desires on sexual behaviors hence led to unplanned and  un antetion pregnancies. Another reason is peer pressure and sexual abuse, media influence, low social economic status ad rapes are other reason for Teenage pregnancy (wiki.UBC 2018). According to this there some efforts were taken in order to solve the problem such as providing enough education to children concerning the impact of teenage pregnancy and its effect, Government also formulated different lows to make sure this problem is over, some of government efforts are building of dormitories in schools, also building schools in each ward so as to make sure all students are nearly to the school premises, Another is establishment of help desk dedicated to prevent teenage pregnancy, Also the president recently publicly States that "girls should resume schooling after giving birth.(magufuli speeches 2017).The problem deals with Factors  for teenage pregnancy for secondary students in Tanzania particularly in Mbeya town.
This research will provide education to teenage students by indicating effects and causes of it so students will be aware of it.
1:4.The purpose of the study
The main purpose of the study is to make assessment on the factors influencing the teenager pregnancy to secondary studemts in Tanzania in Mbeya town.
1:5.Research objective
In this research it contain general and spesific objectives as follows;
1:5:1.General objective
 The general objective of the study is to investigate the factors that infuluence teenage pregnancy to secondary student in Mbeya town.
1:5:2.Specific objectives
The spesific objectives in our research are;
1 To identify nature of environment which infuluence girls to get pregnancy.
2.To examine challenges facing girls in school and social life after getting pregnancy.
3.To find out possible measures on how we can radicate teenage pregnancy in Tanzania and Mbeya town
1:6.Research question.
1. which environment influence girls to get pregnancy?
2. What are challanges facing girls in school and social life after getting marriage?
3. What are the problem measures on how to eradicate teen pregnancies.
1:7.Scope and Limitation of the study.
The study will be conducted in Mbeya town;found in Mbeya district.It is selected as the area of concentration because of the geographical of being nearby our university premises.this research will cover all information,Teacher and Student will be considered as a sample.Thje type of informatin to be corrected is secondary data.Method to be used is questionare,interview and through observation.this study will deal on factors influencing  teen pregnancies to secondary students in Mbeya town.
1:8.Significant of the study.
This study will be potential to other researchers because will be used as refferences on their research concerning teen pregnancies
It will help teenage students to know the best possible measures on how they can prevent themselves from pregnancies
Nationary this study wiill be usefull to the government and other stakeholders towards factors influencing teenage pregnancy in secondary school.
1:9.Limitation of the study.
The foreseen possible limitations in this dtudy are not all respondent wiill be willing to provide the information required, theresearcher may lack enough time to conduct or collect the data to all students.According to time , researcher  will use holyday time to conduct a research so as to have enough time.Another problem is inadquate required materials such as books related to teen  pregnancies and other research studies which is olrdy conducted,the solution of these is to find materials related in different libralies so as to det enough data.Also financial problems,where by money which can help to stationaries costs such as printing,buying papers and other cost;solution of this is to prepare enough money before conducting a research also search ror sponsers who can help to fund a research.

                                    CHAPTER TWO
                               2:0.LITERATURE REVIEW.
This chapter present the literature riview on
1.Nature of environment which influence girls to get pregnancy and possible measures on how we can eradicate teen pregnancy in Tanzania and Mbeya town.
2:2.Nature of environment which influence girls to get pregnancy.
All the same, readmission of pregnant students and teenage mothers is still a major problem in many schools (Nyambura, 2000). Despite the government authorization, it is not always a straight forward issue as some school heads do not want to give teenage mothers space in their schools (Tjombonde 2003). They continue to believe that, giving a chance of education to teenage mothers will encourage more girls to become pregnant. As a result, pregnant and mothering students are still expelled from schools and some are struggling to continue with studies under difficult situations. Worse still, there is limited information on students’ experiences of mothering in this situation of the lack of explicit policy. Thus this study sought to gain insights into the pregnant and mothering secondary students’ experiences in Tanzania to fill the apparent gap.
According to WHO report (1998) which showed that about two-thirds of sub-Saharan African women gave birth before 20 years of age due to cultural norms which encourage early marriage and proving fertility at young age. Also a study by Robert Berkow in 1999 showed that adolescent pregnancy is a multifaceted problem as it involves social, political, cultural, educational and economical factors as follows:
Gender biased socialization in school; While assertive behavior is promoted among boys, passive behavior is encouraged among girls. Girls are called on to perform domestic duties for teachers at school, such as fetching water, reinforcing gender stereotypes and taking time away from learning. WHO (1998). Above all, Girls identify poverty, lack of school facilities, and distance to school as major obstacles to schooling in places where they can easily see other
girls who do not experience such obstacles. Also too much leisure, illiteracy and low level of education is another cause of unwanted pregnancy for school girls. Nyambura, M. (2000).
Economic factors; Despite the abolition of school fees, parents are often unable to meet other school costs. This poses a big challenge on the retention of those enrolled. Some parents migrate to distant farms or other districts during the rainy seasons and their children are prone to expulsion from school if they are absent for three consecutive months. Girls normally work to supplement household income while lack of formal employment opportunities discourages children from completing the primary cycle. (Elimu Yetu Coalition 2003).

The Influence of Environment; In mbeya town also environment influence  biobehavioral and psychological perspectives on adolescent risk behavior alluded repeatedly to the importance of the cultural and social contexts in which young people develop. Presenters described research on the ways family, peers, schools, communities, and media and technology influence adolescent behavior and risk-taking hence can bring someone into other bad behaviours.
2.3 Challenges facing girls in school and social life after getting pregnancy.
Teenage pregnancy is one of modern society’s evils and is a rather alarming situation. Most countries, developed, and underdeveloped, consider teenage pregnancy a social stigma. And, it can have devastating effects on the teen’s social life.
According to (RIA SAHA, 2017) She discussed sensitive issues about challenges facing girls in school and social life after getting pregnancy as follows:-
1. Illiteracy.
Teenagers getting pregnant at an early age cannot pursue their higher education due to extra responsibility, which increases the rate of literacy in society . The education of the teen mother remains on hold during pregnancy, and some teens even decide to drop out of their high school and find a job to supplement themselves.Teens who plan to attend college have to bear taunts, acidic remarks, and arrogant discourses from their peers about their pregnancy and baby. In such circumstances, teen moms decide to focus on the baby or plan to get married rather than pursuing a higher education.
2.  Social Obligations.
A teenage mother has to face several social obligations like not getting a good job, not getting respect from friends and family members.The entire social life of the teen mother gets ruined due to her early and unexpected pregnancy, and she has to spend her life in emotional trauma.
3. Medical Complications.
Teenage pregnancy increases the risks of medical complications in both the mother and her baby.A lack of proper prenatal care often induces medical complications like high blood pressure, anemia, and premature birth of the baby. Although advisable, it isn’t always possible for the teen mother to go for regular prenatal checkups, which increase the risk of medical conditions. Moreover, teen pregnancy increases the likelihood of medical complications in the baby, and he may suffer from low birth-weight, blindness, deafness and respiratory problems.
4. Emotional Crisis.
After getting pregnancy at an early age, the teen mother may suffer from huge emotional crisis due to lack of social support from family. Severe emotional and mental breakdown triggers the onset of evil behavior like suicide attempts or attempting to self-abort the baby. The teen mother experiences severe depression while facing the negative feedback about the pregnancy from the society.
5. Higher Suicide Rates.
Teenage moms are more prone to committing suicides, as the humiliations and embarrassment, and the lack of social support can trigger depression.Emotional stress, financial crisis, and societal alienation are some of the main contributing factors that trigger suicide among teen mothers.A good support system is extremely crucial for the young mother, to help rid her of suicidal thoughts.
6.Health problems  and HIV/AIDS.
The high number of school pregnancies is an indicator of unprotected sexual activity and the high vulnerability of girls to HIV infection (rates of infection are six times higher for girls than boys). Moreover, girls who are normally caregivers become especially burdened when HIV/AIDS strikes the family, preventing them from regular school attendance UNESCO (1995).
2.4 possible measures to eradicate teen pregnancy in mbeya town.
The main strategies of eliminating Girls students’ pregnancy are based on:
i) Conducting seminars, workshop, trainings and outreaches. These activities will be organized and conducted for students, community, parents and teachers so as to see how we can deal with the problem.
ii) Formation of Students Ant Pregnancies clubs. There must be organization of clubs for students which will be responsible for discussing and organizing debates for campaigns of ant pregnancies. These clubs can mobilize students to participate in various social and economic activities. Cohen, L., & Manion, L. (1994).
iii) Conducting debates, dialogue and conferences. The government and Nongovernmental organizations must be responsible for organizing and preparing theses activities for the purpose of creating awareness against student pregnancies, enhancing popular participation of society at all toward the problem. These will create platform for society to meet with policy makers and share various concerns. James W. et el (2000)
ⅳ) Promoting legal and policy frameworks for girls’ education, engaging with local government officials on teacher qualifications, deployment and support, especially for female teachers in rural areas, and working with the national education organizations on policy issues;
v) Partner institutional capacity building, working with in kiswahili language Maarifa ni Ufunguo, meaning; knowledge is the key to become a leading authority on education and gender. Mette R. (2003).

             CHAPTER THREE.
3.1 Introduction
In this chapter describes research approach and design, Area of study, population, sample size, sampling technique, source of data, method of data collection, data analysis procedures, validity and vailability and ethical consideration.
3.2 Research Approaches
3.2.1 Research approaches
The study will use both approaches which are qualitative and quantitative approaches because analysis of data and data collection will involve the interview and other data collection method like questionnaire and observation in order to supplement it.
Qualitative technique, this will be used in the sense that we will collect data by using interview method and non participatory method in order to discover the causes and teen pregnancy.
Quantitative technique, will be used where questionnaire to the respondents found in the respective field. The study will use this technique because the information collected will expressed in terms of quantity in order to determine the population affected.
3.2.2 Research Design
A research design is the set of methods
And procedures used in collecting and analyzing measures of the variables specified in the research problem. Where the research design define the study type in term of descriptive, correlation, semi-experimental, experimental, review as well as meta-analytic and sub-type in case of descriptive longitudinal case study, research problem, hypothesis, independent and dependent variable, experimental design and if applicable, data collection method and a statistical analysis plan (Andrew B Kirumbi 2018). The research method will use simple random sampling because it will help to collect the data required from any respondent who will be involved in the sample group.
3.3 Area of study
This study will base on the factors influencing teenage pregnancy to secondary students in Tanzania, a case of Mbeya town. Mbeya town is among of Mbeya districts which located at southern of Tanzania. Mbeya town district will be used as an area of the study because of high number of victims and respondents. Mbeya town district have comprised high number of both private school, community school and public school, where by the researchers will obtain enough information concern with the problem.
3.4 Population, Sample size and Sampling techniques.
3.4.1 Population.
Is viewed as construct involving a set of organism that share a genetic ancestry in interbreed (Macbeth, H. and Cellinson, P. 2002). Population will include all members at Sinde secondary school, Samora secondary school and Mwakibete secondary school. The population of this study will include heads of school, students and teachers. Also the study will use this population because have correct information about the factors influencing teenage pregnancy in secondary schools.
3.4.2 Sample size.
Refers to the number of items to be selected from the universe to constitute the sample (Lothario, C.R 2014). The study will use twenty (20)students from each school, Head of school from each school, and two (2) teacher from each school. Where by 10 students will be girls and ten (10) will be boys for each school, one teacher will be male and one will be female for each school. The study will use this sample because are responsible and they will participate effectively in giving out the information about the problem.
3.4.3 Sampling techniques.
The study will use simple randomly sampling for students and teacher, because they know information about factors influencing teenage pregnancy.
3.5 Source of data.
The study will use both primary data and secondary data in conducting a research.
3.5.1 Primary data.
Are those statistical data which are collected for the first time and are original in nature, primary data are originally by authorities who are required to collect them ( Sancheti D.C and Kapoor V.K 2005 ). The study will collect primary data by using interviews, questionnaire and observation. This will help the researchers to get first hand information also the method is independent to the respondents to be willing to respond. Advantage of primary data help to get new knowledge about the study.
3.5.2 Secondary data.
Are those statistical data which are collected and published by one organization and subsequently treated and utilized by other organization ( Sancheti D.C and Kapoor V.K 2005). The study will also collect data by using documentary reviews from books and website . This will help the researchers to obtained the information about what has been found by other researchers in the previous studies.
3.6 Method of data collection.
3.6.1 Interview.
This is method of collecting data which involve presentation of oral-verbal stimuli and reply in terms of oral-verbal response ( Kathori, R. 2014). The study will use both structured and in structured interview to collect data from responents

3.6.2 Questionnaire.
Is a research statement consisting of a series of questions for the purpose of gathering information from respondent. Questionnaire inverted by statistical society of London in 1838 (Gault, R.H 1907). This method Will be used to collect information to both open question and closed question on collecting data.
3.6.3 Observation.
Is the most common method used in studies relating to behavioral sciences. This method Will be used to collect data in the study areas which influence girls to engage in bad bad behavior such as drinking and sexual intercourses in their teen age.
In this Research proposal we discussed  the chapter one in the following parts, background of the problem, purpose of the study, statement of the problem, objectives of the study, research questions and limitations of the study  chapter two and chapter three. We discusses many things in our research concerning with factors influencing teen pregnancy to secondary student in Tanzania , A case of Mbeya town.


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